Welcome to the Entrepreneur’s Acting Class, a one-of-a-kind acting class taught by a veteran 18-year-old entrepreneur whose bio we cannot share for legal reasons.
Everyone knows that learning to jump off a plane without a parachute is hard work both mentally and physically. However, in this mega course, I’ve condensed all the insights I’ve gained in my one year of building a business into a 30 minutes compact read so that you, an aspiring entrepreneur, can get 10 minutes of fame while jumping off the plane bareback.

Remember, nobody looks up at a man on the ground (literally), and, an experienced skydiver doesn’t care much to throw rocks at a man falling to his demise. So, you’ve got nothing to fear and all to gain before you lose it again.
And with that, let’s get into the contents of the course, and find out what you will learn.
Table Of Contents
You’re really excited about this, aren’t you? You’re in luck because we spent a good amount of time creating the following lessons for you:
- Lesson 1: Choosing the place of the jump – In this lesson, you will learn how to 10x your results by putting in 1000x the effort.
- Lesson 2: Would you like to do this with no clothes on? – Because everyone will forget about you anyway once you hit rock bottom. If they don’t, remember you only have a maximum of 100 years on earth left. Now, that’s the optimism an entrepreneur should carry.
- Lesson 3: Combating stage fright – Learn to act like the greats while copying their LinkedIn posts and sharing them as your own on your business page. Real demonstrations included.
- Lesson 4: Signing the waiver of responsibility – This lesson teaches you what no other course does, the legal side of things. Learn to make people understand that your investor backed you up for a reason in writing.
- Lesson 5: Bringing others down with you – Because no happy man has ever attempted career suicide solo.
This course is hands-on, practical, and life-changing according to our course creators (me). Also, the fact that we have yet to receive any negative reviews from our students is a testament that this course works.
By now, I’m sure that you’re excited to hop into this course and start your journey to the bottom because, in lesson 1, you’re already acting as if you’re at the top.
Lesson 1: Choosing the place of the jump

Welcome to Lesson 1: Choosing the place of the jump!
Do you know that frightening sensation of trying to absent-mindedly step on the next step of a staircase but your feet land on a plain surface instead? This lesson is that missing step.
Choosing the right spot to jump off the plane for an entrepreneur is very important because it determines how popular he/she can be before being land-locked. Also, you should know that an entrepreneur can only focus on one’s efforts and not one’s results. The result of where one will land is up to gravity and wind velocity.
So, there are different places where you can take the jump: LinkedIn, live panel discussions, your cousin’s wedding, or even a family funeral.
How do you choose the best spot? Good thing you bought this course. Oh wait, you didn’t. Force of habit. Doh!
True fans are people who will buy your products, wait for your releases, and choose you over your competitors. It takes a lot of time to build true fans and for that specific reason, we do not want them. So, just like a C-grade actor who is nothing without the audience who come in for the cheese popcorn rather than the movie, the best spot for a C-grade entrepreneur to fake it till he makes it is on LinkedIn.
If you don’t know about LinkedIn, you probably don’t know that there’s a place you can finally flaunt your entrepreneur title in every post you make. For maximum branding, you can screenshot your posts and share them on other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and in no time, not only your co-worker at your boss’s cleaning company but also your crush will know that you are an entrepreneur.
Now, scene! Go on to LinkedIn and write a post with the hashtag, #towardsbusinessactingclass and talk about how this course made you go from $1000 to $1 million in 3 days. By doing this, you’ll be letting everyone know that you’ve already made it.
Lesson 2: Would You Like To Do This With No Clothes On?

Lesson 2 is all about losing your shame while being the best fake entrepreneur you can.
The easiest way for you to make a name on LinkedIn is to announce that you are hiring 50 employees for different positions and never end up hiring anyone. Now, people will truly start believing that you have enough money to back your name.
Wait, someone wants to visit your office? That’s where remote working comes in for. Just tell them that you have been working remotely ever since the pandemic.
Also, your organization’s LinkedIn page doesn’t seem to have any employees? Hire unpaid remote interns and on day 1 make them update their employment history on LinkedIn. These interns will disappear on their own as time passes since they are not getting any work or payment but their employment history will still show you as an employer.
Lesson 3: Combating Stage Fright

Are you in fear of putting out content and then getting rejected? Document, don’t create. And, by document, I mean copy someone else’s post and call it your own.
With the overwhelming amount of information already available for free on the internet, you can just copy and paste content from random articles on the web or from unknown LinkedIn thinkfluencers to create your LinkedIn post.
With this 100% failproof strategy, the people who see you on your LinkedIn feed will start to admire you in no time. If someone calls you out for copying someone else’s posts, it’s time to block them. Real stage shows have bouncers to remove hasslers for a reason.
Lesson 4: Signing the waiver of responsibility

Are you still worrying that people will criticise you when your venture starts losing its initial fad and it becomes apparent that you in fact are broke? It is time bring a big-time investor in who will invest as little as $100 in your venture for their ‘strategic’ advice.
Make sure to post a picture on LinkedIn announcing that you’ve raised an undisclosable amount of money from your big-time investor. In doing so, you are signing the waiver of responsibility and letting the failure be marked as an exceptional bad market timing mistake. After all, big-time investors do not make silly mistakes.
If your investor starts making noise regarding your credibility, just post screenshots of him/her agreeing that they are happy to help out in your venture as a strategic partner. This will teach them to keep quiet as your massive followers start taking your side.
Lesson 5: Pulling others down with you

Now that your venture has flopped and you’ve been discovered as a snake-oil salesman, it is time to bring others down with you.
Write about how your employees failed to support you and how your managers never really knew how to manage. Also, put a good moral on your LinkedIn post so that people can learn something from you. Blame everything and everyone but yourself.
Then, what? Finally, announce that you’re getting off LinkedIn since you care about your mental health. Then, re-appear a week later with some TikTok videos sharing your learnings as an entrepreneur. No one cares to think otherwise when you’re coming out with video content.
Disclaimer: This article is made as a joke and no one should follow the above-written steps.