“The Bull” is a one-act play by the famous Nepali poet and dramatist Bhimnidhi Tiwari. The play shows the strong love of Ranabahadur Shah towards the four-footed animals. He was fond of bulls. The play is a satire on the feudal system that dehumanized human beings in the 18th century.

In this article, we’ve listed all the best question answers and the summary of The Bull exercise as part of the class 12 English curriculum. Here is the table of contents:
- The Bull Exercise: Best Question and Answers For Class 12 English
- The Bull Exercise: Reference to the Context For Class 12 English
- The Bull Exercise: Reference Beyond the Text For Class 12 English
- The Bull: Summary For Class 12 English
The Bull Exercise: Best Question and Answers For Class 12 English
Listed below are all the best questions and answers for The Bull exercise for Class 12 English.

a. Why have Gore and Jitman come to see Laxminarayan?
Gore and Jitman have come to see Laxmi Narayan to inform him about the death of King Ranabahadur’s bull (Male).
b. What, according to cowherds, is the reason behind the death of Male?
Cowherds believed that Male died because he was starving and unable to digest fine rice and split grams, the basic foods.
c. Why does Ranabahadur want to see the bull himself?
Ranabahadur wants to see the bull in person because he wants to verify the bull’s health and doesn’t want the bull to be brought to the hill if it is healed or treated at Thulo Gauchar, Kathmandu.
d. Why does Laxminarayan run ahead of the convoy at Thulo Gaucharan?
Laxminarayan runs ahead of the convoy at Thulo Gaucharan to convey a message to the cowherds that they should pretend to take care of the bull by messaging its feet and fanning so that the king would be pleased. Laxminarayan wants to show the king that he and the cowherds have been taking care of the bull.
e. Why do Gore and Jitman cry when the king declares that Male is dead?
Gore and Jitman cry when the king declares that the male is dead to show their supposed sympathy and affection for the bull. They cry in a pompous manner, seeking the king’s forgiveness. They want an excuse from the king’s punishment. Otherwise, the king may become enraged and may punish them, making them responsible for the bull’s death.
f. How do we learn that the bull is dead?
The conversation between cowherds, Laxminarayan, and the king clearly indicates the death of the bull. Alongside the physical appearance of the bull as his eyes are motionless, his tail has loosened, it was breathless and ears were dropped down and he was unable to eat anything.
g. How does the play make a satire on the feudal system?
The play “The Bull” by Bhimnidhi Tiwari is a powerful reflection of the feudal system, illustrating the terrible consequences of this system. The terrible things that the feudal system did to ordinary people were shown in the play. In the play, the dehumanization and domination of ordinary people have been shown.
The feudal system can be very cruel and doesn’t value the people. In the play, the cowherds who have survived by the mercy of their lord are in a panic even though they have survived. The play shows that the king’s animals receive more care, respect, and comfort than the people there.
The people there are living in fear and hiding their reality to save their lives in front of the king. Thus, the play satirizes the feudal system, showing the oppression and dehumanization of the king’s workers.
h. Write down the plot of the play in a paragraph.
The play ‘The Bull’ was written by well-known Nepali poet and dramatist, Bhimnidhi Tiwari. The plot of this play shows the emotional connection between the bull and King Rana Bahadur Shah. The Bulls were a favorite of King Ranabahadur Shah. He had raised a lot of bulls. “Male”, the bull, passed away once. The potential penalty from the monarch thereafter caused the cowherds and the bull doctor to fear for their lives. They claimed to be upset and in grief at the bull’s passing.
They were scared of the potential penalty from the monarch rather than saddened by the death of the bull. They cried and feigned to be distraught in front of the king to spare their lives. When the monarch saw them crying, he gave them advice. The cowherds were relieved to be alive at last. The play is a satire on the feudal society of that time, i.e. the 18th century.
The Bull Exercise: Reference to the Context For Class 12 English
Listed below are the answers to the ‘Reference to the context’ part of The Bull Exercise.
a. Discuss the late eighteenth-century Nepali society as portrayed in terms of the relation between the king and his subjects as portrayed in the play.
During the late eighteenth century, the monarchy system was prevalent in Nepal. Nepal was ruled by the Shah dynasty. They are used to being strict, and so is Nepalese society. People’s choices were under the king’s or ruler’s dominance. They weren’t free to conduct their lives.
The play ” The Bull” has presented a terrible society where people had to live in terror of the king’s lords. Ordinary people’s lifestyles were not ideal. Ordinary people’s condition was worse than animals. If someone didn’t bow down to the lords concerning the lords/kings, people were punished. There were no fundamental rights as we are enjoying today. People lacked political awareness.
The patriarchal norms and values were there in most societies. Women lived under male domination. One could have as many wives as he wished like Laxminarayan in the play. Laxminarayan has 7 wives and still, and he is planning to marry another. The life of ordinary people or subject was under the mercy of the kings/lords.
b. What does the relation between Laxminarayan and his wives tell us about the society of that time? To what extent has Nepali society changed since then?
⇒The monarchy system was prevalent in Nepal during the late eighteenth century. Nepal was controlled by the Shah Dynasty at the time. Society at the time was rather strict. People lacked freedom in their daily lives. People had to live under the king’s and his people’s dominance.
The play “The Bull” depicted a terrible society in which people were forced to live in terror of the kings and lords. Ordinary people’s lifestyles were not ideal. Their masters treated them horribly. If they rebelled against their lords, they were severely punished. In this play, we may see a great example of people’s miserable conditions. The people were not given any fundamental rights. The general public has a poor level of political knowledge.
In most societies, patriarchal rules and ideals existed. Women had to live under male dominance for their entire lives. The practice of marrying a large number of women was very widespread at the time. Males were regarded as superior, while females were seen as their servants. Married women had to live their lives under the dominance and control of their husbands. They had to be reliant on their husbands and spend most of their time within the boundaries of their homes. Illiteracy, child marriage, poverty, feudalism, and a lack of understanding among the people were the major causes of all of these issues.
The Nepalese society has altered dramatically since then. The current state of Nepali women is significantly better than imagined. According to Nepal’s constitution, Nepali women have gained a range of rights over time. Nepali women’s consciousness and literacy levels have substantially improved in today’s society. They aren’t as reliant on their husbands as they formerly were. They’re even on their way to earning the same as men. There is no masculine dominance in society.
The Nepalese constitution has a provision for heavy punishment for individuals who mistreat women. Many organizations in Nepal seek to improve the well-being of Nepalese women, as well as their rights and empowerment. Both males and females in Nepal have equal opportunities under the Nepalese Constitution. In Nepal, the majority of females have been seen at the top in several sectors.
c. Shed light on the practice of chakrai as portrayed in the play. Have you noticed this practice in your society?
Chakari was a common practice during the king’s rule. Common people served and greeted the kings and their lords with great respect even if they did want to do it from their hearts. In this play, Laxminarayn and two cowherds are doing the chakari of the king Ranabahadur Shah. They themselves sleep on the straw in the cowshed. They pretend to love the bull and massage the bull’s feet and wave the fan at the bull to please the king.
They say ‘bull sir’ even to the animal. Laxminarayan is a character who masters chakari. He has even been punished by the king for speaking loudly in front of the king. Both cowherds tell Laxminarayan after the bull dies. They all dread the king. The dead bull and both cowherds sleep in the cowshed. They act quite cautious around the bull. They massage the bull’s feet and fan him to please the king. In front of the king, they call the bull “The Bull Sir.” When the king proclaims the bull dead, both cowherds sob deeply. So the play is chakari-heavy.
Yes, I’ve seen this a lot in my culture. Everyone does chakari. But chakari is done in a different manner than the society of the time. People practice the chakrai of politicians a lot nowadays in Nepal for money, status, and wealth.
d. How does Laxminarayan outsmart Ranabahadur?
Laxminarayan outsmarts Ranabahadur with his tactful acts. He is a forty years old legal officer as well as a doctor of the bull of king. As soon as he hears about the king’s bull death news by Gore and Jitman, he moves to the king’s palace. He is quite good at the flattery of the king. He doesn’t directly tell about the death of the bull to the king because the king might get angry about the news.
Instead of telling the fact to the king, he tells the king about the bull’s illness. While moving toward the cowshed, he even orders the cowherds to massage and waves a fan at the bull to impress the king and save their life. The king supposes that the bull died despite proper care and treatment just in front of him. Due to Laxminarayan’s tactics, the king doesn’t doubt them and they escape the harsh punishment of the king.
e. Sketch the character of Laxminarayan.
One of the main characters in this one-act play is Laxminarayan Dahal. He is a forty-year-old legal officer as well as king Ranabadur Shah’s bull doctor. He is married to seven different women. He has seven women at home, but he appears to be unsatisfied with all of them. He plans on marrying the eighth woman. When he learns of the king’s bull’s death, he makes good use of his intellect and moves quickly to spare himself and the cowherds from the king’s punishment. He goes to the king’s palace, but he does not immediately inform the monarch about the bull’s death. He is well aware of the king’s flattery (chakari).
When the king arrives at Thulo Gauchar’s cowshed to see the bull, he tells the cowherds Gore and Jitman to massage and wave fans at the dead bull in order to please the king. Laxminarayan’s witty acts have contributed to the play’s humor. They were saved from the king’s heavy punishment due to his trickery. As a result, we may claim that Laxminarayan is the one who has outsmarted the king with his cunningness and chakari.
The Bull Exercise: Reference Beyond the Text For Class 12 English
Listed below are the answers to the ‘Reference beyond the text’ part of The Bull.
a. Write an essay in about 300 words on “The Nepali Society: Past, Present, and Future.”
The Nepali Society: Past, Present, and Future
The word “society” describes a group of individuals who live together and occupy the same social space. The society of Nepal has seen a significant transformation both historically and currently. Without a doubt, things will change drastically in the future. Nepal is renowned for the variety and contrast of its cultures. People in Nepali society practice a variety of religions and come from diverse ethnic and cultural origins.
Nepali society was significantly different from what it is today in the past. There were many different classes and groupings of people. Social ills like caste prejudice and untouchability were brought about by the partition of the population. The cultural norms of the time were quite stringent, and the general populace experienced great poverty and prejudice. They had to keep their lips shut and obey the directives of their kings and lords. If they didn’t, they were harshly penalized and denied access to fundamental civil rights. The majority of people lacked education and were often unaware of the situation.
Patriarchal values and aspirations were at their height. The concept of feudalism was widely held across the country. Ordinary people had to live horrible lives under the feudalists. They didn’t understand what it meant to have the opportunity and human rights. Most of the time, people’s lives were pretty difficult. In terms of their quality of life, women throughout that time period endured terrible conditions. They depended entirely on males to live. Additionally, child marriage was rather common.
The Nepali society of today is more progressive and open. The society of Nepal is developing. In terms of amenities like power, drinking water, roads and other modes of transportation, education, and so on, Nepali society has changed. Nowadays, people can exercise a wide range of rights in several situations. Women now have more freedom and are less dependent on their spouses for financial support.
The constitution now protects the rights of the people. In contrast to the past, discrimination based on caste and class is now hardly observed. No one is required to obey their monarchs or lords. To acquire riches and prestige, people nowadays still adhere to the idea of chakari and follow a number of powerful politicians and figures. The major disadvantage of today’s society is its dirty politics. In addition, culture and traditions do not appear to be maintained and preserved in today’s society in comparison to the past.
Nepali society’s future is entirely dependent on its people. In comparison to other developing countries, the rate of development is now quite slow. People have not yet completely gone free from patriarchal ideologies. Nepali society will be far better than the rest of the world’s societies if the appropriate individuals are chosen as leaders, culture and traditions are promoted and preserved, and patriarchal views are discarded.
b. In his “Satire 9”, Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux says:
But satire, ever moral, ever new.
Delights the reader and instructs him, too.
She, if good sense, refine her sterling page,
Oft shakes some rooted folly of the age.
Do you agree with the poet? Discuss the lines concerning Bhimnidhi Tiwari’s play “The Bull.”
A well-crafted piece of satire may both amuse and educate its audience, according to Nicolas’s message in the preceding verse. To some extent, the errors and missteps of an era may be shattered if the satire is written with a good purpose in mind.
In that sense, I absolutely agree with the poet. Positive satire may help to ameliorate society’s many bad aspects. The play “The Bull” by Bhimnidhi Tiwari is a cutting satire on the feudal system that dehumanizes humans to the point that their life is dependent on respectful behavior towards four-footed animals like bulls. Using humor, Tiwari provides his readers with a wide range of information on the society of the period, both positive and negative with the help of satire.
The Bull: Summary For Class 12 English
Here is the summary for “The Bull” for class 12 English.

The Bull” is a one-act play that has been written by a famous Nepali poet and dramatist Bhimnidhi Tiwari. The play has satirized the feudal system of the then society (18th century). The story of the play has presented the death of King Rana Bahadur Shah’s bull called Male and the panicked situation of three major characters as the bull doctor and two cowherds called Jitman and Gore.
The play is set in the month of Ashwin in the year 1854 B.S. At the start of the play, two panicked cowherds named Gore and Jitman arrive at Laxminarayan’s house. They have come to notify King Ranabahadur Shah about the death of his bull. Laxminarayan begins to shiver after hearing their story. All of them get concerned about the king’s impending punishment.
The monarch has the power to put them to death. Laxminarayan is frightened of being punished by having his head shaved. As a punishment for speaking loudly in front of the monarch, Laxminarayan’s lips were once burned. After that, Laxminarayan’s moustache never develops on that side.
Both cowherds state that the bull died because it didn’t get enough food (grass) and couldn’t digest fine rice and soup of split gram. Laxminarayan tells the cowherds not to tell the king that the bull has died. If they inform the king about the bull’s death, they will have a terrible fate. After advising both cowherds, Laxminarayan moves toward the Basantpur palace to inform the king about the ill health of the bull. Laxminarayan bows down in front of the king with reverence and informs him that the bull is ill. He doesn’t directly tell the king that the bull has died.
He informs the king about the sick bull’s condition. The bull sir, he claims, does not get up and have breakfast. He doesn’t move or speak. He just looks at us with his eyes closed. Laxminarayan begins by complimenting the bull’s beauty, walking style, and heroic battle. He proposes that the bull be transported to the hill to help with climate change and the bull’s health. After hearing Laxminarayan’s statements, the king decides to personally inspect the bull’s condition and leads a convoy on the palanquin to the cowshed at Thulo Gauchara.
Jitman and Gore, on the other hand, are both waiting impatiently at the cowshed for the king’s decision. They consider fleeing to save their lives, but they believe they will be caught and killed again. The king is on his way there. At Thulo Gauchar, Laxminarayan runs ahead of the convoy to advise the cowherds to massage the bull’s back feet and wave the fan at the bull. They respond in kind.
Laxminarayan even assures the king that they have been caring for the bull since the early hours of the morning. On the mattress, the bull is truly dead. There is no movement in the area. It isn’t either breathing or eating. Its ears have drooped and its tail has loosened. Fear prevents the cowherds and Laxminarayan from declaring it dead. The bull, according to King Ranabahadur Shah, is dead.
Jitman begins to cry after listening to the king and claims that he has been an orphan since the bull’s death. The King gives him a 400-rupee tip and orders him to stay silent. Gore begins to cry as well. He claims that the bull is more important to him than his mother, father, wife, and children.
He declares that he will either join the bull or hang himself. The king grants a tip of 500 rupees after hearing his speech. Finally, Laxminarayan begins to cry and act as if he is in pain. The king taunts him and tells him to bury the bull, supervise the burial procedures, and make sacrifices to the priest. Finally, Gore and Jitman express their joy at being alive.
This play “The Bull” vividly portrays the feudal system of the then society where ordinary human beings were suppressed, dominated, and dehumanized. Animals of the feudal lords deserved more respect than those ordinary people. It deals with the themes of dehumanization of ordinary people by the feudal lords, the servitude of the servants of Lords/kings, and subjugation /domination of women.