Growing an online business and generating more traffic for your online business always go hand-in-hand. Let’s start with the basics here.
Q – What does sending more traffic towards your online business mean?
A – When more and more people visit your website, it means increasing the traffic to your website. Think of this as the usual traffic you face every day on the road. When more people are led towards one same place, it is called traffic.
Q – Is having traffic good for your online business? If so, how?
A – Yes. The more people visit your site, the more potential customers you will gain. This is very important to expand your business and increase business growth.
Q – What is an organic way of increasing traffic?
A – There are two ways through which you, as a business, can reach your customers. One is the organic way, and the other is the inorganic way. The organic form of increasing traffic means that your customers get to you through google search, referrals, or any other way where you do not have to pay for any advertisements. Unlike the inorganic form of increasing traffic, the organic way does not require you to give out paid ads.
Having the funds and the resources to be present in the digital world and to do organic growth might not always be logical, and for some businesses, it might not be economical.

If you have an online business, pushing traffic towards your business is one of the most critical tasks. When you get organic and high–quality traffic towards your business, they become more prominent potential customers for your business.
So, how do you increase traffic organically? We’ve got you covered; just follow this article and learn 10 organic ways to grow your online business.
1. Social Media – To Be More Social

Hear this out, if you can create a post that goes viral overnight, you will get hundreds and thousands of organically sourced traffic. But, the twist here is that content doesn’t go viral overnight.
When you step into the field of social media, you’re stepping into an area where you automatically gain a larger playing field, more customers, and a wide range of visibility. But, for your content to go viral, you need to be consistent. When you post anything on social media, it is visible to hundreds and thousands of people. So, it becomes imperative that you post something relevant to your brand, something that describes your brand, and something that would help people understand what and who you are through those posts and connect to you and your brand.
2. Search Engine Optimization – Your New Best friend

Only posting high-quality content through your social media is not enough. You need to optimize those contents for them to be easily searchable. A good search engine optimization strategy can help you find a pool of similar things. It is something that differentiates you from everyone else.
As heavy as it may sound, search engine optimization is not that difficult. First, you need to figure out keywords that are helpful for you and your business. Then, when you post content, simply add references or have primary keywords and meta-descriptions that can help you stand out.
3. Email Marketing – The New Aged Marketing Maestro

Emails are not always just dull; they can be fascinating and help you market yourself effectively. Email marketing is one of the most critical and integral parts of organic traffic building. Aim for your consumers directly.
Say you have a weekly email blast that sends your consumers and your customers’ newsletters. This cannot just help you build new connections, but this can also help you keep the existing relationships and make them stronger. Don’t undervalue the power of email marketing; it may significantly improve your eCommerce conversion rates and, as a result, help you build your business.
4. Upload Videos – Get All The Advantages

Video clips are one of the great marketing methods. Having a good video will guarantee you organically sourced traffic on your side and more income for your business. YouTube has been one of the most used and favorite social sites ever since it was introduced. When you upload good-quality videos of your business to sites such as YouTube, Google will suggest relevant videos in the organic search results based on queries.
However, it is vital to be consistent. If you upload one video and disappear, you will also disappear from the minds of your consumers and potential customers. But, on the other hand, when you’re consistent in creating and publishing videos people will subscribe to you. And these subscribers might be your potential future consumers.
5. Local Marketing – Online Is Not The Only Way

The market is ever-evolving. Most of the time, there are new things in the market that many businesses have to adapt to; most of the other times, the old things repeat themselves. The society we live in and the market we constantly have shifted. Society has moved to a more experienced-driven world.
To drive people towards your online business, you might also have to think about an alternate way of being present and launching a brick-and-mortar store. When consumers guarantee that this particular business is also present offline, somewhere they can just pop in, online traffic increases automatically.
6. Buzz – The Sound A Business Should Make

Building a business is not an easy job. But, when you’re building a business, you also make connections. So tap into those connections and public relations to create more buzz.
One of the simplest ways to create a buzz is to do a press release or a blog post. Something that would leverage your brand and make people know about who you are. However, one needs to be really careful about what buzz they are creating in the market. There are, after all, two kinds of buzz, the good positive kind, and the negative kind, that could hamper not just your brand but your overall business.
7. Network – As Much As You Can

Networking is one of the most essential parts of any business. Whether it is to begin the business, keep it running, or even expand it, networking is necessary. We like to say that networking is more like throwing a stone in a pool of water. The stone creates ripple effects, and hence, those ripples can help you expand your business.
Spread the news of your business as much as you can. When you launch a new product or when you have new offers, spread the word out to your connections, send an email to existing consumers, and have a word thrown around to friends and families as well as colleagues.
8. Traditional Way – It All Comes Back

The traditional way of marketing cannot be dismissed so easily. So when we talk about bringing in organic traffic to your online business, it also means to not just be as digital and modern as we can but also to keep the traditional bits and parts.
People love discounts and offers. Going to a more traditional way of marketing and bringing organic traffic, throwing in offers and discounts and coupons, and optimizing your sales strategy with existing techniques such as Cyber Monday or Black Friday can bring more traffic to your online business. People will get curious and would want in.
9. Referral Marketing – Spread The Word Out

Referral marketing can also be seen as word-of-mouth marketing. You can create incentives for existing consumers to convince other people to visit your sites. Let’s say, for example, a consumer refers your business to someone else. That particular consumer gets perhaps a 5% discount on their next purchase.
Working with such a campaign and strategy can be very effective in increasing organic traffic. This has a simple science behind it — you automatically want to try it out when someone recommends something.
10. Be True To Who You Are

People don’t buy products; they buy brands most of the time. When you are true to yourself, who you are, and what your brand represents, you gain more and more consumers and customers. Being true to your brand is going to elevate your content.
Simply being transparent about your brand and being present will help you gain more loyal customers than you could have achieved while doing organic marketing for your online company.
Being able to drive organic traffic is an art. However, it is commendable when a business figures out its audience and focuses on utilizing organic ways of building traffic to the online store. The organic form of building traffic guarantees you more loyal consumers and makes your business more potent in the digital world. Not to mention that the organic way of building traffic is much more cost-effective, especially for companies who are just starting out.